30 Best Fish For A 10 Gallon Tank (With Stunning Pictures) (2024)

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Looking for the best fish for a 10-gallon tank can easily become confusing. After all, there are just so many things you have to think about, from your preferred setup to your tank equipment.

What you need is a comprehensive guide about keeping a 10-gallon tank – and that’s why we’re here.

Fortunately, there are many options when it comes to stocking a 10-gallon tank.

The best fish for a 10-gallon tank include Bettas, Guppies, Mollies, Neon Tetras, Harlequin Rasboras, Lyretail Killifish, Zebra Danios, Ember Tetras, Dwarf Gouramis, Kuhli Loaches, and more.

This article will discuss everything you need to start a beautiful 10-gallon tank with the best fish possible!

Table of Contents

30 Best Fish For A 10 Gallon Tank

Here is a quick table of 30 of the best fish for a 10 gallon tank, sorted by size:

Small SpeciesMedium SpeciesLarge Species
Beckford’s PencilfishDwarf GouramiBristlenose Pleco
Betta FishDwarf PencilfishCelestial Pearl Danio
Black Neon TetraDwarf RasboraChili Rasbora
Bumblebee PlatiesEmber TetraEndler’s Livebearer
Cardinal TetrasFreshwater Pea PufferHarlequin Rasbora
Dwarf Corydoras CatfishGuppiesHoney Gourami
Kuhli LoachesLeast KillifishLyretail Killifish
MolliesNeon TetrasOtocinclus Catfish
Rice FishRocket Clown KillifishSparkling Gourami
White Cloud Mountain MinnowsZebra DaniosBrown Pencilfish

Keep reading to see all the details for each species!

Betta Fish

30 Best Fish For A 10 Gallon Tank (With Stunning Pictures) (1)

Scientific NameBetta splendens
Size2 to 4 inches
Number in 10-Gallon Tank1
Lifespan2 to 5 years
Temperature78°-80°F or 25.5°- 26.5°C
pH6.5 to 7.5

Betta fish, also known as Siamese fighting fish, are well-loved in the aquarium community exactly because of how well they can thrive in small tank setups.

These tropical fish are the ideal inhabitants of a 10-gallon fish tank because they are independent, interesting, and beautiful.

Male Bettas, and female bettas to a lesser degree, are very territorial. They stake a claim on a wide range of territory inside the tank, so a 10-gallon setup is perfect for their personal space.

Plus, they’re also very independent fishes. They don’t need any companions to share the tank with and even prefer to live by themselves – although aquarists usually add some invertebrates like snails to their tank so Bettas wouldn’t be completely alone.

Additionally, there’s a wide variety of Bettas available in the market. Since they’re extremely varied, you can get all sorts of Bettas that differ in color, shape, pattern, and personalities.

There’s a Betta for everyone, and because they’re so beautiful you wouldn’t mind displaying them alone in a pretty tank.

As a cherry on top, Bettas are very hardy fishes. Although being bred on large fish farms has decreased their resistance compared to their wild cousins, captive Bettas are still very easy to care for.

They can eat a large variety of foods and are not prone to many diseases, as long as they’re healthy.


30 Best Fish For A 10 Gallon Tank (With Stunning Pictures) (2)

Scientific NamePoecilia reticulata
Size0.6 to 2 inches
Number in 10-Gallon Tank5 – 10 (depends on guppy variety)
Lifespan2 years
Temperature72°-82°F or 22°-28°C
pH7.0 to 8.0

Guppies are also extremely popular and have their own niche in the aquarium hobby.

These small fishes do have a few more requirements than Bettas, but raising them is still very fulfilling and fun.

Guppies don’t grow to be very large, and will often stay under 2 inches. Because of that, they’re very popular in 10-gallon setups.

Unlike Bettas, Guppies tend to want to belong in groups. Keeping a Guppy alone in a tank will likely stress it out and erode its health, so it would be best to keep them in groups of two or three – at the minimum.

There are also Guppies that need to be in a full school, although that would be pushing it a little bit in a 10-gallon tank.

Male Guppies can also be territorial, but they don’t fight to the death like Bettas. Instead, they sometimes chase each other around the tank, which can create a fun scene as long as you ensure there is plenty of cover for everyone.

Did you know that there’s also a wide variety of Guppies? Guppies are also specially bred, so you can get different colorations and fin shapes.

If you’re a beginner aquarist, one precaution that you have to note about Guppies is that they breed very quickly. Females can lay hundreds of baby fishes multiple times, in close succession, which can easily overrun and crash the ecosystem of your tank.

This is good news for those who want to try their hand at breeding. Although, if you don’t want plenty of dead fish, you better try and keep only male Guppy in one tank.


30 Best Fish For A 10 Gallon Tank (With Stunning Pictures) (3)

Scientific NamePoecilia sphenops
Size3 to 4 inches
Number in 10-Gallon Tank3 to 4
Lifespan3 to 5 years
Temperature72°-78°F or 22°-28°C
pH7.0 to 8.0

Belonging to the same family, Mollies and Guppies share plenty of similar characteristics. Like Guppies, Mollies also prefer to be in a group. They need the same water parameters and have the same preferences and diet.

Plus, Mollies also breed very quickly. If you don’t want this to happen, you can take the same precautions as you would for Guppies.

Nevertheless, Mollies are also fun fishes to raise. These fishes have plenty of personalities and will interact with each other a lot.

They have bigger bodies and more streamlined fins compared to Guppies, so they’re much faster swimmers. As such, you can often observe them zooming around the tank.

This means that you need to ensure a perfect balance between spacious swimming areas and cover.

However, since they grow bigger than Guppies, take care not to get more than 3 to 4 for your 10-gallon aquarium. After all, they might one day grow to be 4 inches – something that can quickly become disastrous in a small tank.

Nevertheless, caring for Mollies is pretty simple. As long as you provide them with clean water, a steady temperature, and a varied, healthy diet, Mollies are sure to thrive in a 10-gallon tank.

Neon Tetras

30 Best Fish For A 10 Gallon Tank (With Stunning Pictures) (4)

Scientific NameParacheirodon innesi
Size1 to 1.5 inches
Number in 10-Gallon Tank8 to 10
Lifespan2-3 years
Temperature72–76°F or 22–24°C
pH6.0 to 8.0

Neon Tetras are some of the most well-known in the hobby as a perfect starter fish for beginner aquarists.

These fishes do well in a minimum of 10 gallons, and their peaceful and active personalities are a joy to behold.

Neon Tetras are small, averaging about 1 to 1.5 inches in length. This is great for nano tank setups since they’re shoaling fishes and require a group of five to six individuals to become active. The larger the group, the more secure they feel.

Due to this, although the minimum is five to six fish in one tank, the recommended number is actually at least 8 Neon Tetras. You can fit all these in a 10-gallon tank, so it works pretty well.

There’s little variation when it comes to Neon Tetra’s physical attributes, but they’re still vastly entertaining to look at. Their shoaling behavior can be mesmerizing to witness in a spacious tank, and they’re very active swimmers.

Neon Tetras also have vivid coloration. Their bright blue scales reflect the light when it hits them just right. They also have a bright spot of red on the tail-end of their bodies, creating a fantastic spectacle whenever they swim in the same direction.

Another great thing about Neon Tetras is that they’re very easy to care for. They have a peaceful nature, have a wide diet, and aren’t susceptible to many diseases.

As long as you keep their tank clean and feed them a healthy diet, they will happily live out their lifespan in your 10-gallon tank.

Harlequin Rasbora

30 Best Fish For A 10 Gallon Tank (With Stunning Pictures) (5)

Scientific NameTrigonostigma heteromorpha
Size2 inches
Number in 10-Gallon Tank4 to 5
Lifespan2 to 3 years
Temperature73-82°F or 23-28°C
pH6.0 to 7.8

These hardy fishes might not be the most colorful, but there’s plenty to love in these hardy fishes.

Harlequin Rasboras get their name from the pattern on their scales. The tail end of their bodies is almost solid black, which gives them the appearance of wearing black jester suits – or harlequins. Meanwhile, their fins are typically a bright red-orange.

They’re not the most colorful, which is probably why beginner aquarists may not immediately gravitate toward them.

However, their more natural appearance is ideal for adding a pop of color to a heavily planted aquarium. They’re peaceful shoaling fishes too, and their playful schooling behavior is satisfying to watch.

Additionally, Harlequin Rasboras are also incredibly hardy fishes. They can tolerate a wide range of temperatures and pH levels, so you don’t need to be too strict about maintenance.

They also thrive on a wide variety of food, and you will often see them grazing on the greenery of a planted aquarium.

If you’re looking for a fun and lively group of fishes to liven up a planted setup, Harlequin Rasboras are an ideal choice.

Lyretail Killifish

30 Best Fish For A 10 Gallon Tank (With Stunning Pictures) (6)

Scientific NameAphyosemion australe
Size2.5 inches
Number in 10-Gallon Tank3 to 5
Lifespan3 to 5 years
Temperature69-75°F or 21-24°C

The Lyretail Killifish is one of the most popular killifish in the hobby, owing to their interesting appearance.

This fish has incredible looks, with its long body, long tapering dorsal and pelvic fins, and lyre-shaped tail. They also have very vivid colorations. The most common variation of this fish is a bright yellow, but they’re also available in albino, gold, orange, and even chocolate.

These fishes prefer a densely-planted aquarium, and will often spend their days swimming among the plants.

They’re on the shy side, and they’re not fast swimmers, so they won’t appreciate having an active tankmate. Instead, these fishes form small groups of three or five of the same species.

Another interesting aspect of this species is that they are very long-lived compared to other killifishes. While some killifish variations can live to two or three years, a Lyretail

Killie within the right environment can live up to five, so expect a lot of fun times from these shy fishes.

Thankfully, they’re very easy to care for as well.

You don’t need to take any additional precautions when handling these fishes. Just keep their water parameters and temperature stable and feed them a healthy diet, and they’ll live peacefully in your heavily planted 10-gallon tank.

Zebra Danios

30 Best Fish For A 10 Gallon Tank (With Stunning Pictures) (7)

Scientific NameDanio rerio
Size1 – 2 inches
Number in 10-Gallon Tank5 to 8
Lifespan2 to 3 years
Temperature61.7–93.2°F or 16.5 to 34 °C
pH6.5 to 7.5

Also called Zebrafish, Zebra Danios are widely known among beginners to be one of the best beginner fishes around.

This species gained its name because of the distinctive horizontal stripes on its body.

Zebra Danios have interesting visuals and very active personalities. Since they have a streamlined body with short and powerful fins, you can expect them to be fast swimmers that prefer wide-open spaces.

They typically have a gray body with streaks of silver, although there are also other color varieties. For instance, one variant has a golden brown body with streaks of brown or black.

This fish is also one of the first species to be genetically modified to have fluorescent scales – a variant called Glo-Fish.

Luckily, despite their activeness, they’re quite easy to care for in a 10-gallon tank. Most of them are quite shy, and you’ll probably see them darting around the tank and heading for cover.

These fishes are also very easy to care for, with standard water parameters, temperature, and diet requirements. However, they’re particularly susceptible to velvet disease, so owners must be careful.

Dwarf Gourami

30 Best Fish For A 10 Gallon Tank (With Stunning Pictures) (8)

Scientific NameTrichogaster Ialius
Size2 inches
Number in 10-Gallon Tank3
Lifespan4 years
Temperature72 to 82°F or 22 to 28°C
pH6.0 to 7.5

Dwarf Gouramis are popular among moderately experienced fishkeepers.

They can be a little delicate, so preparing their tank can be somewhat of a challenge, but they’re a rewarding species to raise.

These fishes have fantastic colorations, with a bright orange body filled with unique, blue markings that seem to glow in the right light.

They also come in a variety of colors, such as bright orange, blue, and even neon blue. Their bright colors are set off by the dark substrate and background.

Another notable thing about the Dwarf Gourami is that their peaceful nature allows them to be placed in a community tank with other fishes. You can choose to keep three Dwarf Gouramis in a 10-gallon tank, but you can also have one gourami and multiple Neon Tetras.

These fishes prefer plenty of hiding spots and will be stressed out in an area with lots of noise.

Dwarf Gouramis also directly breathe surface air, so you need to ensure a location for them to surface every once in a while. This means minimizing floating plants or adding designated breathing areas.

Kuhli Loaches

30 Best Fish For A 10 Gallon Tank (With Stunning Pictures) (9)

Scientific NamePangio Kuhli
Size3-5 inches
Number in 10-Gallon Tank4 to 6
Lifespan10 years
Temperature75°-86°F or 23°-30°C
pH7.0 to 7.5

Kuhli Loaches have a uniquely cute appearance and timid personality that makes them popular among aquarists.

These bottom dwellers have a unique, elongated body that resembles eels. Their body is also patterned with unique black stripes that add interest to their appearance. Essentially, these fishes look like small, yellow-and-black eels.

These nocturnal fishes are very shy and like to hide a lot, so you need plenty of covers. They also like to dig and hide in the substrate, so gravel will most likely hurt them.

However, sometimes they overcome their timid nature when they’re in a group of four or more fishes.

Kuhli Loaches can be a bit delicate and ensuring that they receive the right amount of food can be a challenge when they like to hide away so much. However, they’re a very interesting and rewarding fish to raise if you do it right.

Rice Fish

30 Best Fish For A 10 Gallon Tank (With Stunning Pictures) (10)

Scientific Name

Oryzias Latipes


Up to 1.5 inches

Number in 10-Gallon Tank



Omnivore (flake food, live food)




3-5 years


68°F – 78°F (20°C – 26°C)


6.0 – 8.0

A captivating addition to any 10-gallon tank, the Rice Fish is often likened to a shimmering aquatic jewel.

With its almost translucent body, it offers a unique visual appeal that few other species can match.

These lively swimmers are always on the move, darting around and adding a dynamic energy to your aquarium.

Their peaceful nature ensures they’re a perfect companion for a variety of tank mates.

Not just a treat for the eyes, their adaptability to a range of diets, from tiny invertebrates to commercial flakes, makes them a favorite among both beginners and seasoned aquarists.

Endler’s Livebearer

30 Best Fish For A 10 Gallon Tank (With Stunning Pictures) (11)

Scientific Name

Poecilia wingei


Up to 1.5 inches

Number in 10-Gallon Tank



Omnivore (flake food, live food)




2-3 years


72°F – 78°F (22°C – 26°C)


6.7 – 8.5

Endler’s Livebearers are nature’s masterpiece, displaying a mesmerizing mix of vibrant colors.

Each individual boasts a unique pattern, ensuring no two are ever the same.

Beyond their beauty, their viviparous nature—giving birth to live young—offers aquarists the joy of observing the circle of life right in their tanks.

Their slender, agile bodies are always in motion, making them a lively addition to any aquarium.

Sociable and adaptable, these fish not only coexist well with other species but also thrive in a variety of water conditions, making them a top choice for a 10-gallon setup.

Dwarf Corydoras Catfish (also known as Pygmy Corydoras)

30 Best Fish For A 10 Gallon Tank (With Stunning Pictures) (12)

Scientific Name

Corydoras hastatus


Up to 1 inch

Number in 10-Gallon Tank



Omnivore (flake food, live food)




3-5 years


72°F – 78°F (22°C – 26°C)


6.0 – 7.5

A delightful bottom-dweller, the Dwarf Corydoras Catfish is like the diligent janitor of a 10-gallon tank.

With their signature barbels, they tirelessly sift through the substrate, keeping it clean while searching for morsels to eat.

Their silver bodies, adorned with a black triangular patch, make them easily distinguishable.

These catfish are not just hard workers; they’re also social butterflies. They thrive best when in groups, often seen playfully chasing each other.

Chili Rasbora

30 Best Fish For A 10 Gallon Tank (With Stunning Pictures) (13)

Scientific Name

Boraras brigittae


Up to 0.8 inches

Number in 10-Gallon Tank



Omnivore (flake food, live food)




4-6 years


68°F – 83°F (20°C – 28°C)


4.0 – 7.0

A small fish with grand appeal, the Chili Rasbora is the epitome of aquatic elegance.

Their fiery red hue, especially when seen in a school, creates a visual spectacle reminiscent of a synchronized dance.

They adore well-planted tanks, weaving gracefully between foliage and showcasing their playful, curious nature.

Their preference for micro foods like daphnia and brine shrimp makes them an excellent choice for those who relish the intricacies of aquatic life.

If you’re looking to inject a burst of color and activity into your 10-gallon tank, the Chili Rasboras are hard to surpass.

Freshwater Pea Puffer

30 Best Fish For A 10 Gallon Tank (With Stunning Pictures) (14)

Scientific Name

Carinotetraodon travancoricus


Up to 1 inch

Number in 10-Gallon Tank

1-3 (solitary by nature)


Carnivore (snails, worms)




4 years


77°F – 79°F (25°C – 26°C)


6.5 – 7.5

The Freshwater Pea Puffer, also known as the Dwarf Puffer, is a tiny wonder with a big personality.

Their round, puffed-up appearance combined with their inquisitive nature makes them a joy to observe.

Unlike many other puffers, this smaller species is an entirely freshwater fish, making them ideal for a 10-gallon setup as a centerpiece fish.

They have a penchant for hunting, often seen stalking and feasting on small snails, making them a natural pest controller.

Their golden-yellow bodies, dotted with dark spots, add a touch of whimsy to any tank. For those seeking a fish with character and charm, the Pea Puffer is a standout choice.

Ember Tetra

30 Best Fish For A 10 Gallon Tank (With Stunning Pictures) (15)

Scientific Name

Hyphessobrycon amandae


Up to 0.8 inches

Number in 10-Gallon Tank



Omnivore (flake food, live food)




2-3 years


73°F – 84°F (23°C – 29°C)


5.5 – 7.0

Ember Tetras are like tiny sparks of fire in the aquatic world.

Their bright orange-red hue stands out beautifully against a backdrop of green plants or dark substrate.

In a 10-gallon tank, these little fish can create a mesmerizing display as they school together, moving in unison.

Their peaceful nature and small size make them an excellent choice for community tanks.

Ember Tetras not demanding in terms of care, but they do appreciate a well-planted environment where they can dart in and out of foliage.

Their vibrant coloration and schooling behavior can add a dynamic visual element to any small tank.

Cardinal Tetras

30 Best Fish For A 10 Gallon Tank (With Stunning Pictures) (16)

Scientific Name

Paracheirodon axelrodi


Up to 2 inches

Number in 10-Gallon Tank







4-5 years


73°F – 81°F (23°C – 27°C)


4.6 – 6.2

A radiant splash of blue and red, Cardinal Tetras are the stars of many aquariums.

Their slender bodies, illuminated by neon-like stripes, create a dazzling display, especially when they school together.

They’re active swimmers, often seen darting around, exploring every nook and cranny of the tank.

While they’re a sight to behold, they’re also peaceful, coexisting harmoniously with a variety of tank mates.

Their preference for slightly acidic water and love for live foods like bloodworms make them an engaging species for aquarists.

For a 10-gallon tank that’s both vibrant and harmonious, Cardinal Tetras are a top pick.

Beckford’s Pencilfish

30 Best Fish For A 10 Gallon Tank (With Stunning Pictures) (17)

Scientific Name

Nannostomus beckfordi


Up to 2.5 inches

Number in 10-Gallon Tank



Omnivore (flake food, live food)




5 years


74°F – 82°F (23°C – 28°C)


6.0 – 7.5

Beckford’s Pencilfish, with their slender and elongated bodies, are like animated quills darting through the water.

Their muted gold and silver hues, punctuated by a dark lateral line, give them a subtle elegance.

They’re often seen hovering mid-water, their delicate fins constantly in motion.

These fish are also known for their fascinating courtship displays, making them a joy for aquarists to observe.

They have a preference for dimly lit tanks with plenty of plants, creating a serene underwater forest.

For those looking to add a touch of grace to their 10-gallon setup, Beckford’s Pencilfish are a refined choice.

Brown Pencilfish

30 Best Fish For A 10 Gallon Tank (With Stunning Pictures) (18)

Scientific Name

Nannostomus eques


Up to 2 inches

Number in 10-Gallon Tank



Omnivore (flake food, live food)




3-5 years


74°F – 82°F (23°C – 28°C)


5.5 – 7.5

The Brown Pencilfish, as their name suggests, boasts a rich, earthy hue that sets them apart.

Their slender bodies, combined with their unique coloration, make them a standout in any aquarium.

They’re peaceful by nature, often seen swimming in loose groups, their subtle beauty complementing bolder tank mates.

These fish have a penchant for floating plants, often seen taking refuge beneath their shade.

They’re also known to appreciate a varied diet, relishing both flake foods and live treats.

If you’re aiming for a balanced aesthetic in your 10-gallon tank, the Brown Pencilfish offers both tranquility and charm.

Least Killifish

30 Best Fish For A 10 Gallon Tank (With Stunning Pictures) (19)

Scientific Name

Heterandria formosa


Up to 1.5 inches

Number in 10-Gallon Tank



Omnivore (flake food, live food)




2-3 years


68°F – 85°F (20°C – 29°C)


6.5 – 8.0

Don’t let the name fool you; the Least Killifish is brimming with life and energy.

One of the smallest livebearers, their compact size makes them perfect for a 10-gallon setup.

Their greenish-brown bodies, adorned with faint stripes, allow them to blend seamlessly with aquatic plants.

They’re viviparous, giving birth to live young, which adds an element of surprise for aquarists.

They’re also incredibly adaptable, thriving in a range of water conditions.

Their peaceful demeanor and low maintenance needs make them a favorite among both novice and seasoned aquarists.

For a tank that’s both lively and easy to care for, the Least Killifish is a prime candidate.

Bumblebee Platies

30 Best Fish For A 10 Gallon Tank (With Stunning Pictures) (20)

Scientific Name

Xiphophorus maculatus


Up to 2.5 inches

Number in 10-Gallon Tank







3-4 years


70°F – 77°F (21°C – 25°C)


6.8 – 8.0

Bumblebee Platies bring a touch of whimsy to the aquarium with their striking patterns reminiscent of the buzzing insects they’re named after.

These fish are a joy to have in a 10-gallon tank, where their playful antics and beautiful colors can be fully appreciated.

They’re active fish, often seen darting around the tank, exploring small spaces and every nook and cranny.

These fish are also livebearers, and watching their fry grow can be a rewarding experience for any aquarist.

They have a varied diet, enjoying both plant-based foods and small invertebrates.

Their peaceful nature makes them compatible with a variety of tank mates.

Rocket Clown Killifish

30 Best Fish For A 10 Gallon Tank (With Stunning Pictures) (21)

Scientific NameEpiplatys annulatus
SizeUp to 1.5 inches
Number in 10-Gallon Tank6-8
Lifespan3-5 years
Temperature72°F – 77°F (22°C – 25°C)
pH6.0 – 7.5

Epiplatys annulatus, commonly known as the Clown Killifish, is a captivating addition to any aquarium.

Their vibrant colors, combined with their unique patterns, make them a visual delight in a 10-gallon setup.

These small fish are peaceful by nature, making them an excellent choice for community tanks with other non-aggressive species.

They thrive best in well-planted tanks, where they can display their natural behaviors and find shelter.

Being carnivorous, they have a preference for live foods, but they can also adapt to high-quality flake foods.

Their manageable size and peaceful demeanor make them an ideal candidate for those looking to add a splash of color and activity to their aquarium.

Blue Emperor Tetras

30 Best Fish For A 10 Gallon Tank (With Stunning Pictures) (22)

Scientific Name

Inpaichthys kerri


Up to 1.5 inches

Number in 10-Gallon Tank







3-5 years


73°F – 81°F (23°C – 27°C)


5.5 – 7.5

A shimmering spectacle, Blue Emperor Tetras bring a regal touch to any 10-gallon aquarium.

Their iridescent blue bodies, complemented by a striking red stripe, make them a visual centerpiece.

These tetras are schooling fish, and when kept in groups, their synchronized swimming is a sight to behold.

They thrive in slightly acidic water and prefer dim lighting, mimicking their natural habitat.

Their diet consists of small invertebrates and quality flake food. Peaceful and sociable, they’re compatible with other non-aggressive species.

Honey Gourami

30 Best Fish For A 10 Gallon Tank (With Stunning Pictures) (23)

Scientific Name

Trichogaster chuna


Up to 2 inches

Number in 10-Gallon Tank







4-8 years


72°F – 82°F (22°C – 28°C)


6.0 – 7.5

With their soft, golden hues, Honey Gouramis exude a calm and soothing presence.

They are labyrinth fish, meaning they can breathe atmospheric air, often seen taking occasional gulps from the surface.

Their delicate appearance is complemented by their gentle nature.

They thrive in tanks with floating plants, which offer them shade and security.

Their omnivorous diet includes both plant matter and small invertebrates.

Their tranquil demeanor makes them a harmonious addition to community tanks.Perfectly suited for a 10-gallon tank, these fish bring a sense of calm and beauty to any setup.

Bristlenose Pleco

30 Best Fish For A 10 Gallon Tank (With Stunning Pictures) (24)

Scientific Name

Ancistrus spp.


Up to 5 inches

Number in 10-Gallon Tank







5-7 years


60°F – 80°F (15°C – 27°C)


6.5 – 7.5

The Bristlenose Pleco stands out with its tentacle-like growths on its head, especially in males.

This hardy species is a favorite among those in the aquarium trade for its efficiency in keeping tanks clean.

They’re voracious algae eaters, but also relish vegetables like zucchini.

Their flattened body allows them to cling to surfaces effortlessly.

Providing them with caves and lots of hiding places is crucial, as they’re territorial and need their own space.

While they’re peaceful, it’s best to keep only one in a 10-gallon tank to prevent territorial disputes.

For those seeking an efficient tank cleaner with a unique appearance, the Bristlenose Pleco is a top contender.

Celestial Pearl Danio (also known as Galaxy Rasbora)

30 Best Fish For A 10 Gallon Tank (With Stunning Pictures) (25)

Scientific Name

Danio margaritatus


Up to 1 inch

Number in 10-Gallon Tank







3-5 years


73°F – 79°F (23°C – 26°C)


6.5 – 7.5

A starry spectacle, the Celestial Pearl Danio dazzles with its vibrant colors and pearl-like spots.

These tiny fish are active swimmers, often seen darting around in small schools.

Their vibrant hues of orange and blue, combined with their playful nature, make them a favorite among hobbyists.

They thrive in well-planted tanks with plenty of hiding spots.

Their diet consists of micro foods, with a preference for live or frozen varieties.

Being peaceful and sociable, they’re ideal for community setups.

If you’re aiming to bring a galaxy-themed allure to your 10 gallon aquarium, these celestial pearl danios are an excellent choice.

Dwarf Rasbora

30 Best Fish For A 10 Gallon Tank (With Stunning Pictures) (26)

Scientific Name

Boraras maculatus


Up to 1 inch

Number in 10-Gallon Tank







4-6 years


74°F – 82°F (23°C – 28°C)


5.5 – 7.0

A petite gem for small aquariums, the Dwarf Rasbora boasts a shimmering golden hue with a hint of red.

Their subtle colors and graceful swimming patterns make them a delightful addition to any 10-gallon setup.

Their size makes them perfect for nano tanks, and their active nature ensures there’s never a dull moment.

They’re often seen swimming in the middle and upper layers of the tank, adding a dynamic touch to the aquarium.

These little swimmers have a preference for live foods, such as brine shrimp and daphnia, but will also accept high-quality flake foods.

With their peaceful temperament, they can be paired with other gentle species.

Dwarf Pencilfish

30 Best Fish For A 10 Gallon Tank (With Stunning Pictures) (27)

Scientific Name

Nannostomus marginatus


Up to 1.5 inches

Number in 10-Gallon Tank







5 years


74°F – 82°F (23°C – 28°C)


5.5 – 7.5

The Dwarf Pencilfish, with its slender body and subtle coloration, is a graceful addition to small 10-gallon aquariums.

They prefer to swim in the middle layers of the tank, often in tight-knit groups.

Their muted colors, combined with their delicate swimming style, create a serene ambiance.

They’re omnivores, enjoying a mix of small live foods and high-quality flakes.

Providing them with a well-planted environment not only enhances their colors but also offers them security.

They’re peaceful by nature, making them suitable for community tanks with other gentle species.

Their adaptability and easy-going nature make them a great choice for both beginners and seasoned enthusiasts.

Black Neon Tetra

30 Best Fish For A 10 Gallon Tank (With Stunning Pictures) (28)

Scientific Name

Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi


Up to 1.5 inches

Number in 10-GallonTank







5 years


68°F – 78°F (20°C – 25°C)


6.0 – 7.5

Black Neon Tetras are a delightful twist on the traditional neon tetra, offering a blend of dark and iridescent hues that shimmer under aquarium lights.

Their contrasting colors make them a standout choice for a 10-gallon tank, adding depth and vibrancy to the aquatic environment.

Being schooling fish, they are most comfortable and visually striking when in groups.

Their synchronized swimming and playful nature create a dynamic and lively display that’s sure to captivate any observer.

Their peaceful demeanor ensures they integrate seamlessly with other community fish, adding to the overall harmony of the tank.

Sparkling Gourami

30 Best Fish For A 10 Gallon Tank (With Stunning Pictures) (29)

Scientific Name

Trichopsis pumila


Up to 1.5 inches

Number in 10-Gallon Tank







4-5 years


77°F – 83°F (25°C – 28°C)


6.0 – 8.0

Sparkling Gouramis have iridescent scales that shimmer under the right lighting, creating a mesmerizing display in a 10-gallon tank.

These petite fish are known for their curious nature, often seen exploring every nook and cranny of their environment.

Their gentle croaking sounds, produced during courtship or territorial disputes, add an auditory dimension to their charm.

They’re peaceful by nature, making them a great addition to community tanks with other non-aggressive species.

Their captivating appearance, combined with their intriguing behaviors, makes them a must-have for those seeking a touch of sparkle in their aquatic setup.

Otocinclus Catfish

30 Best Fish For A 10 Gallon Tank (With Stunning Pictures) (30)

Scientific Name

Otocinclus spp.


Up to 2 inches

Number in 10-Gallon Tank







3-5 years


72°F – 79°F (22°C – 26°C)


6.0 – 7.5

​Otocinclus Catfish, often referred to as “Otos,” are the unsung heroes of many aquariums.

These small, diligent cleaners are known for their voracious appetite for algae, making them an excellent choice for maintaining a pristine 10-gallon tank.

Their gentle nature ensures they coexist harmoniously with other peaceful tank mates.

They’re social fish, preferring to be in groups where they can often be seen grazing together.

Their streamlined bodies and subtle coloration might not make them the showiest fish in the tank, but their tireless work ethic and contribution to a balanced ecosystem make them indispensable.

White Cloud Mountain Minnows

30 Best Fish For A 10 Gallon Tank (With Stunning Pictures) (31)

Scientific Name

Tanichthys albonubes


Up to 1.5 inches

Number in 10-Gallon Tank







5-7 years


64°F – 72°F (18°C – 22°C)


6.0 – 8.0

White Cloud Mountain Minnows are a delightful addition to any freshwater setup.

Their vibrant red fins contrast beautifully against their silver bodies, creating a lively display in a 10-gallon tank.

Originating from the cool streams of China, these fish are hardy and can thrive in a range of conditions.

They’re schooling fish, and their synchronized swimming patterns provide a dynamic visual treat.

Their peaceful nature ensures they get along well with other non-aggressive species. Their adaptability, combined with their striking appearance, makes them a popular choice for both novice and seasoned aquarists.

Best Stocking Combinations For A 10 Gallon Tank

30 Best Fish For A 10 Gallon Tank (With Stunning Pictures) (32)

While 10-gallon tanks offer a bit more flexibility than their smaller counterparts, it’s essential to ensure that the chosen fish can coexist harmoniously. The key is to understand the temperament, size, and requirements of each species.

Here is an excellent video by Prime Time Aquatics that goes over a few stocking combinations for a 10-gallon tank you can try:

30 Best Fish For A 10 Gallon Tank (With Stunning Pictures) (33)

Based on our list of best fish for a 10-gallon tank, here are some other ideal stocking combinations:

Community Tanks

These tanks house multiple species that are compatible in terms of temperament and environmental needs. They offer a diverse visual appeal and allow aquarists to enjoy a range of behaviors.

Stocking Combination #1:

  • Endler’s Livebearer x 3
  • Chili Rasbora x 6
  • Freshwater Shrimp (Neocaridina davidi) x 3

Stocking Combination #2:

  • Ember Tetra x 6
  • Dwarf Corydoras Catfish x 3
  • Nerite Snails x 2

Stocking Combination #3:

  • Celestial Pearl Danio (Galaxy Rasbora) x 4
  • Freshwater Shrimp (Neocaridina davidi) x 4
  • Nerite Snails x 2

Stocking Combination #4:

  • Dwarf Gourami x 1
  • Neon Tetras x 5

Stocking Combination #5:

  • Endler’s Livebearer x 3
  • Chili Rasbora x 5

Stocking Combination #6:

  • Honey Gourami x 1
  • Dwarf Corydoras Catfish x 4

Stocking Combination #7:

  • Ember Tetra x 6
  • Freshwater Shrimp (Neocaridina davidi) x 4

Species Tanks

These tanks focus on a single species, allowing the fish to display natural schooling or shoaling behaviors. It’s an excellent choice for those who want to observe species-specific behaviors or breed a particular fish.

Stocking Combination #1:

  • Neon Tetras x 6-8

Stocking Combination #2:

  • Chili Rasbora x 6-8

Stocking Combination #3:

  • Dwarf Rasbora x 6-8

Stocking Combination #4:

  • Celestial Pearl Danio (Galaxy Rasbora) x 6-8

Stocking Combination #5:

  • Black Neon Tetra x 6-8

Stocking Combination #6:

  • Endler’s Livebearer x 6-8

Stocking Combination #7:

  • Dwarf Pencilfish x 6-8

When planning your 10-gallon tank, it’s crucial to consider the adult size of the fish, their activity levels, and their compatibility.

Whether you opt for a community or species tank, ensure that the environment caters to the needs of every inhabitant, promoting health, well-being, and natural behaviors.

How Many Fish Can Be In A 10 Gallon Tank?

30 Best Fish For A 10 Gallon Tank (With Stunning Pictures) (34)

In a 10-gallon aquarium, you can either have ten 1-inch fishes, five 2-inch fishes, etc. This is based on the “one inch of fish per one gallon of water” rule, which is a rough measurement.

But, that’s not everything that has to be considered; in reality, you also have to consider the following into account.

  • Temperament. Whether your fish is peaceful or territorial, shy or bold, and active or slow-moving will impact how much space they consume.
  • Social needs. Some fishes need to be in groups of six or more to feel safe, and keeping an inadequate number of them can lead to stress.
  • Breeding tendencies. Livebearers especially breed very quickly, which can collapse the balance of your tank if you can’t prevent it.

There’s no one answer when you ask how many fishes can live in a 10-gallon tank. Instead, you have to consider a variety of factors that will impact your fishes’ life in their new home.

Fish To Avoid Putting In A 10 Gallon Tank

30 Best Fish For A 10 Gallon Tank (With Stunning Pictures) (35)

Not all fishes are ideal for 10-gallon tanks. Just as there are fishes ideal to raise in a ten-gallon tank, there are also some species that need to be avoided, or you’re going to cause them harm. These are the following categories.

Large Fishes

Not only do fish need an adequate amount of space to swim in, but their size also impacts the quality of the water that they breathe in.

Fishes that exceed 3 inches in length in adulthood like Goldfishes and some Cichlids won’t have the right amount of swimming and breathing space in a 10-gallon tank, so avoid putting them there.

Messy Fishes

All fishes produce waste, but some species like the Goldfish have a very high metabolism and create more waste in a short amount of time than any other fish. Messy fish are best left out of small setups such as 10-gallon tanks.

Territorial Fishes

Fishes that like to assert dominance in a group will likely find it all too easy to dominate other members of their group in such a small space. Thus, even if you can fit small angelfishes in a 10-gallon tank, we still advise against it.

Sensitive Fishes

Small tanks will feel the change in water parameters much quicker than larger tanks because there’s less volume of water to act as a buffer for the fish. Thus, sensitive fishes like Pygmy Corys are best left out of small setups like 10-gallon tanks.

Equipment For A 10 Gallon Tank

30 Best Fish For A 10 Gallon Tank (With Stunning Pictures) (36)

One of the best appeals of 10-gallon tanks is that it doesn’t need plenty of equipment to set up and maintain. If you want to start a ten-gallon tank, all you need are the following equipment.

  • Tank.Sturdy, 10-gallon tanks like the Tetra Aquarium Kit and the Hygger Horizon 8 with built-in filters are great options, as they are space-saving and convenient to set up.
  • Filter. If you’re buying a bare tank, sponge filters like the XINYOU Bio-Sponge Filter are best for delicate systems like a 10-gallon tank.
  • Lights. Lighting is important to give you the best viewing experience for your fish. If you’re making a planted tank, you also need the right lighting for your plants. Some good options for 10-gallon tanks are the Tetra LED Aquarium Hood and the Hygger Auto Off Dimmable Light.
  • Heater. You need to keep the temperature in your tank stable if you don’t want your fish to get sick easily, so you need a good aquarium heater like the Orlushy Submersible Aquarium Heater.

Aside from the equipment that you need, you can also add a colony starter to your purchase. Products like the API Quickstart Nitrifying Bacteria make it easier to establish a beneficial bacterial colony in your tank, so you can cycle it much faster.

FAQs About The Best Fish For A 10 Gallon Tank

30 Best Fish For A 10 Gallon Tank (With Stunning Pictures) (37)

Is a 10 gallon fish tank good for beginners?

A 10-gallon tank is ideal for beginners. It’s a manageable size, offering a range of fish options. This size helps newcomers understand water parameters, fish care, and tank maintenance, serving as a practical introduction to the hobby without overwhelming complexity.

What is the hardiest fish for an aquarium?

Betta fish, also known as the Siamese fighting fish, is exceptionally hardy. Adaptable to various conditions and less susceptible to diseases, they’re a top choice for both beginners and seasoned aquarists seeking a resilient and captivating fish.

How often should you feed fish in a 10 gallon tank?

In a 10-gallon tank, fish should generally be fed once daily. The exact frequency can differ based on the fish’s species and age. It’s crucial to monitor feeding to prevent overfeeding, which can compromise water quality and fish health.

Is a 10 gallon tank too small for a goldfish?

Indeed, a 10-gallon tank is insufficient for goldfish. These fish grow significantly and produce ample waste. They demand more space for comfortable movement and a robust filtration system, which a 10-gallon setup struggles to offer.

Conclusion – Best Fish For A 10 Gallon Tank

30 Best Fish For A 10 Gallon Tank (With Stunning Pictures) (38)

Keeping an aquarium doesn’t have to be difficult – you can create a thriving aquarium even if you only have limited space in your house!

A 10-gallon freshwater aquarium is the perfect balance between size and manageability, so it’s one of the most popular choices for starter aquarists. As long as you maintain the aquarium properly and pick the best fish for a 10 gallon tank, your new fishes will live happily in their new homes.

Now that you’ve read this article, you know what to pick for your next 10 gallon tank setup!

Recommended Reading:

  • How Many Fish Can Be In A 3-Gallon Tank? Best Fish And Stocking Ideas
  • How Many Fish Can Be In A 5-Gallon Tank? Best Fish And Stocking Ideas
  • Best Fish For A 5-Gallon Tank – 10 Awesome Species (With Pictures)
  • How Many Platies Can You Keep In A 10 Gallon Tank?
  • How Many Fish Can Be In A 20-Gallon Tank? Best Fish And Stocking Ideas
  • 10 Best Fish For A 20-Gallon Tank
  • 10 Best Fish For A 55-Gallon Tank
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30 Best Fish For A 10 Gallon Tank (With Stunning Pictures) (2024)


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